Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | printing OCR: AMIGA TM 1500 The Ultimate Personal Home Computer for the whole family, bringing the world of computer technology to your home. It is designed to cover every computing requirement, from business to leisure, and from education to design. PERSONAL What's more, the Amiga 1500 comes complete with an extensive HOME selection of top quality software, for the whole family and is designed to help in educating the user in the use of computers. COMPUTER The Amiga 1500 with award winning Amiga technology has the added advantage of being totally expandable, accepting all standard Amiga 2000 peripherals. THE AMIGA 1500 FEATURES: Friendly and easy to use operating system, . CD quality sound with 4 channels and using the WIMP environment - windows, 9 octaves - allowing the user to record icons, mouse and ...